I've made a quick bug fix to MyCraft.
The problem was that in SMP, when you type v in chat, flying would turn on.
This is now fixed.
Link to MyCraft Page: http://www.frustra.org/mycraft
Link to MyCraft Forum Topic: http://www.minecraftforum.net/viewtopic.php?f=25&t=153315
Link to MyCraft Support IRC: #mycraft on irc.strictfp.com
Read moreSince a bunch of people have been having problems with MyCraft, I've decided to post the IRC channel so people can get support.
Thanks to Tekk for letting us use his server!
IRC Channel: #mycraft on irc.strictfp.com
Link to MyCraft page is here.
The link to the forum topic is here: http://www.minecraftforum.net/viewtopic.php?f=25&t=153315
Read moreSome people were having issues with MyCraft and ModLoader together, so I've uploaded a new version that fixes these issues. I've also fixed a bug where smooth lighting would not be on until the menu was opened.
You can check out the new release here.
The link to the forum topic is here: http://www.minecraftforum.net/viewtopic.php?f=25&t=153315
Read moreMyCraft has once again been updated with new features and bug fixes!
Smooth lighting has been added, and can be toggled in the mods menu.
You can check out the new release here.
The link to the forum topic is here: http://www.minecraftforum.net/viewtopic.php?f=25&t=153315

Read moreMyCraft has just been released on the minecraft forums along with some new features.
Flying mod has been added, along with a ton of documentation that has been written up for the API.
You can check out the new release here.
The link to the forum topic is here: http://www.minecraftforum.net/viewtopic.php?f=25&t=153315

Read moreWe have just pulled together a release for MyCraft!
The new version still includes the same minecraft proxy, but it now has some added functionality.
The biggest thing is the new menu in which all the mods will be shown, and options can be changed. This menu has scrolling, unlike the texture packs menu!

To download the new version visit the MyCraft page.
There are instructions on how to enable the proxy, as well as a link to the old version.
Read moreThis has been a somewhat delayed development log entry for this project, but you'll be glad to know a ton of things have happened.
To start, we have renamed the Minecraft proxy to MyCraft. Under this new name we have decided to turn the proxy tool into a full plugin/mod utility for Minecraft.
It will be be very easy to install plugins, and they will not be affected by most Minecraft updates.
From a modder's perspective, it will be much easier to create mods because of the extensive API, with which even non-programmers will be able to create mods.
MyCraft is a very big project, and is only about 25% complete, so it will not be available for download for a while. We are currently working on building up the API. I have uploaded some screenshots of the modified menu, although this will probably be changed.

Read moreAn update to the minecraft proxy has been uploaded which allows users to play on multiplayer servers. As long as the server itself isn't blocked, you will be able to play.
Proxying of player skins is also one of the features added.
Check out the page here to download it and find out more.
Read moreA couple new things have been uploaded.
Our Minecraft Alpha/Beta proxy is now up for download. On the projects page, a screenshot utility and C Pong, which is a full screen pong game, are also up.
A new project that will be started after TetrUs is finished is a virtual whiteboard program that enables multiple users to share their ideas and development notes over the web (No longer happening).
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